Benefits of using copper utensils and antimicrobial properties of copper


Antibacterial properties of copper:

Microbial resistance to antibiotics threatens the lives of millions of people. After many clinical and laboratory tests in different countries of the world, the antibacterial effects of copper have been proven, so that many antibiotic-resistant microorganisms are killed on copper surfaces. In 2008, copper became the first antimicrobial solid; Fungicides, bactericides and viruses are registered by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The antibacterial effects of copper have been documented in more than 479 copper alloys (the mass of copper in alloys must be at least 60%) to maintain general health.


Test results:

Experimental results showed that copper levels steadily reduced bacterial contamination to 99.9% within two hours, and even after re-contamination, the contamination was reduced. The copper surface inhibits the formation and growth of bacteria for two hours. Copper has been observed to kill germs at 8-7 logs per hour. No microorganisms have yet been discovered that can resist contact with the copper surface.

How copper inhibits bacteria:

Copper not only kills bacteria and viral pathogens, but also rapidly destroys the nucleic acid of genetic material, which is why the bacterial cell has no chance of mutating and entering other microbes, a process that involves the horizontal transfer of the HGT gene. – is read. As a result, the next generation of bacteria is prevented from spreading. The copper surface has a wide range of antimicrobial, bactericidal, fungicidal and antiviral effects.

Use of antimicrobial properties of copper in hospitals:

It is estimated that about 80% of infectious diseases are transmitted through contact. The use of copper surfaces in hospitals, especially in the ICU for door handles, faucets and toilets, patient bed metal, patient desk bars, angioplasty, bells and lights, not only disrupts the microbial contamination cycle but also actively risks Reduces bacterial resistance and prevents the spread of infection to others. In a clinical trial using copper levels in the ICU, the rate of nosocomial infections was reduced by This strategy, along with the observance of hand hygiene and common hygiene principles, can be a move towards eradicating the nightmare of microbial resistance to antibiotics.

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